Ecommerce Setup › Xumulus
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ECommerce Setup Service

What is an eCommerce setup service?


Are you a rookie in the eCommerce business with no proficient technical knowledge? Are you looking for a professional eCommerce setup service provider to set up an eCommerce store from scratch? Xumulus is a leading company offering high-quality, robust, highly customized, and comprehensive eCommerce setup services. We help entrepreneurs who want to make it big in the eCommerce industry by setting up an eCommerce store from scratch. Regardless of platforms and number of products you might have, we will set up an eCommerce store that is user-friendly, mobile-responsive, intuitive, and attractive enough to lure customers.

Transform Your Business

Custom Product Builder
Payment Integration
Website Design And Optimization
SEO Services
Search Solution

What are the benefits of eCommerce setup services?

Have your eCommerce store or sell your products on other marketplaces

Do you have always dreamed of having your eCommerce store? You can have one with all the customized features and functionalities with our expert eCommerce store setup services. In addition to that, you can also enlist your brand on any popular marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon.


Better ROI with the significant volume of sales

Turning your retail shop into an eCommerce store will help you reach out to a greater audience volume. It will automatically increase your sales, revenues, and ultimately, ROI.


Penetrate to unexplored territories

With a full-fledged eCommerce store, you can reach out to all territories which you never explored. Also, by being present on other eCommerce platforms such as eBay, Amazon, and others, you can get more exposure and visibility for your products.


Get found

By enlisting your products on popular marketplaces, your brand will be found by new customers who are willing to purchase products relevant to your offerings.

Contact Us

    Have a project in mind? Let our experts leverage their skills to make it happen. Contact us now!

    Why choose Xumulus?


    We are your one-stop eCommerce service provider with extensive experience and expertise. We will set up an eCommerce store while considering your business interests. We offer high-quality and professional store management services to startups and enterprises while keeping a sharp eye on details. Our dedicated team of eCommerce experts will take care of all aspects of the store, such as marketing and products, product page optimization, SEO on eCommerce marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon, and product rankings. We also have Google certified AdWords experts to handle Google Merchant Setup.

    Why Choose

    Our Achievements


    110% increase in conversion rates


    28% increase in sales YOY


    40% faster site load

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