Magento NO More… › Xumulus
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Magento NO More…

Magento, an Adobe Company is Now Adobe Commerce, powered by Magento

Magento has been a part of Adobe since Adobe acquired Magento on July 19th, 2018. On that day Magento Enterprise’s functionalities changed significantly and Magento Enterprise became Magento Commerce.

Now Adobe has rebranded Magento Commerce as Adobe Commerce and consolidated Magento Commerce and Adobe Commerce Cloud into a single brand, Adobe Commerce.

Adobe Commerce is powered by Magento that leverages B2C and B2B brands to scale their businesses seamlessly with Open Source flexibility and Adobe’s functionalities like Sensei, Page Builder, as well as Cloud running on either Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS). Naturally, Adobe Commerce is still available as an On Prem option.

Magento Open Source (or Open Source) branding and support will remain unchanged.