Web Accessibility Insights – Improving the Experience for Everyone › Xumulus
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Web Accessibility Insights – Improving the Experience for Everyone

One of the least-discussed components of web design is often accessibility. This includes users who can’t properly view or navigate your website because of disabilities or age. It may be tempting to focus on design for users without accessibility issues, but making your site more accessible to everyone can help increase traffic and conversions. It can also limit risk, and it can provide a better user experience for all.

Stepping away from the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) topic, think of this as a spectrum exercise in site enhancements. It’s not just about the customer who is affected due to a visual impairment, but maybe someone trying to view your site in direct sunlight. To the same effect, it’s not just about the customer who is hearing impaired, but also someone viewing your site in a loud airport.

There are technologies available to help with ADA Compliance. Magento 2, for example, has ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) built-in, which allows features like hinting for screen readers, tab navigation and ALT Text, to name a few.

Remember WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) provides a set of guidelines, not requirements. While certainly a must for large organizations, this should become a part of the ethos for your new website build.

Xumulus has this experience with making sites ADA compliant & we are here to help! One of our favorite ways is to use Accessibe which can be installed easily, requires little if know site remediation techniques, and will make your site compliant and therefore worry free.