We’re Supporting Businesses with Magento Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic – Xumulus
We’re Supporting Businesses with Magento Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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We’re Supporting Businesses with Magento Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The spread of COVID-19 is impacting businesses worldwide.

In times of uncertainty, many businesses are freezing marketing spend until our future feels more secure, when now is actually the ideal time to push ahead with online advertising, because you currently have a captive audience stuck at home scrolling through their devices for information.

With an increase of over 76% in online usage during the past few weeks and more people using digital, businesses need to adapt.

Xumulus can help you focus on the most valuable demographic segments to drive growth.

Give us an opportunity to be your eCommerce department. We’ll build or enhance your website and set up your digital marketing.

Our Offer:

Special Pricing
We’re currently offering special pricing on monthly packages.
Contact us for more information.

No Commitment
We offer Month-to-Month contracts. Cancel at any time.