What are the benefits of using open source technologies together with Oracle?
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What are the benefits of using open source technologies together with Oracle?

You are probably familiar with Oracle’s flagship product, and you may even be using it in your company. While you may have heard that Oracle works with open-source technologies, you may not be fully aware of the benefits of using open-source software (OSS) to enhance Oracle’s existing capabilities. Using Oracle together with open-source tech can seem overwhelming due to the sheer scope of possibilities. However, this arrangement is actually freeing, because it allows you to build on prior work performed by your IT department.

Leveraging open-source and Oracle

Oracle strongly supports leveraging open solutions, and many of Oracle’s customers enjoy the benefits of a heterogeneous computing environment that makes use of conventional and open-source products. The list of benefits is impressive and includes:

  • Reduced costs
  • Greater manageability
  • Increased availability
  • Greater reliability
  • Improved performance
  • Resource scalability

A closer look at the benefits of open-source solutions

Xumulus works with conventional and open-source products every day. We have found the benefits of combining these technologies can be organized into three overarching categories: choice, flexibility, and cost.


Oracle offers a large variety of open-source solutions that make integration and interoperability easier. One example is the well-known MySQL, which according to Oracle is the “world’s most popular” open-source database for cloud, web and mobile applications. With MySQL, your company readily collect and synthesize massive amounts of data to better target potential clients. Another example is the Oracle Berkeley DB family, which consists of three high-performance software libraries. Berkeley DB provides data storage for apps, devices and appliances and has proven reliable, scalable under extreme load and easily deployable with zero oversight administration. These are just two examples of the many OSS technologies available for Oracle, and are just a glimpse of the many technologies we can help your company deploy.


Using open-source technologies with Oracle gives you the flexibility to customize a database solution to your company’s needs. This flexibility helps prevent vendor “lock-in,” in which you have to go back to your off-the-shelf vendor for every future need. By avoiding lock-in, you free yourself from being shackled to future, unexpected price increases. Also, because open-source software is customizable, your IT department can build its own bespoke ecommerce system. This type of customization project can give your business a real advantage. According to IT research firm Gartner (cited in ComputerWeekly.com), if a company “can customize code to make it unique to their company, they have created a competitive advantage.”

Lower costs of computing

Combining conventional Oracle with open-source products can help your company realize a lower total cost of ownership (TCO). Many of the factors that impact TCO, like license fees, maintenance expenses and support contracts can be mitigated when you use open-source technologies with Oracle. Moreover, greater reliability, manageability and scalability all contribute to lower TCO, which will decrease overhead and increase customer satisfaction for ecommerce companies.

Getting started with Oracle and OSS

There are many OSS options available that work well with Oracle. With so many options available, it can be difficult to know where to start, but we can help you get going. Here at Xumulus, we are experts in Oracle and in leveraging open-source products to take full advantage of Oracle’s benefits. To learn more about Xumulus, please visit www.Xumulus.com. If you are interested in what you have read, and would like to know more, feel free to give us a call at (888) 986-8587.